dimarts, 4 d’octubre del 2005

retrat d'un arbre

És un arbre que a sota terra hi té "arrels"; al cim, lu que veus a contrallum, són les branques, plenes de fulles (ja te les presentaré un altre dia).
Les fulles són verdes i lu que surt de terra es diu tronc.
És un arbre una mica altiu, es pensa que és el rei del turó. Però deixem-lo estar, pobret. És un arbre que a sota terra hi té "arrels".


"All trees are pilgrims. They have their Messiah, whom they seek. Their Messiah is a regal Lebanese cedar, or perhaps he is quite small, some totally inconspicuous little shrub in the tundra...
Today some lindens are passing through town. There was an attempt to restrain them. Circular fencing was erected around their trunks. But they move all the same..."
N., "G." (1924)

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Blogger Agustí

sweet dirty things of passion, i turn up with a bollock in each hand... in eeeach haaaaaand

dimecres, d’octubre 05, 2005 8:02:00 p. m.  

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