dimecres, 29 d’agost del 2007

El futbol no és res

Oh! Que injust que és el món del futbol! Quanta discriminació! Uns tant i altres tant poc...

Una centèsima de segon de silenci per a l'Ángel Arenales, si us plau.

{«¡Vaya puta mierda, otra vez los putos mareos! ¡Qué mala suerte tengo!» A.P., s.XXI}

divendres, 24 d’agost del 2007


"ONE evening there came into his soul the desire to fashion an image of The Pleasure that Abideth for a Moment. And he went forth into the world to look for bronze. For he could think only in bronze.

But all the bronze of the whole world had disappeared, nor anywhere in the whole world was there any bronze to be found, save only the bronze of the image of
The Sorrow that Endureth For Ever.

Now this image he had himself, and with his own hands, fashioned, and had set it on the tomb of the one thing he had loved in life. On the tomb of the dead thing he had most loved had he set this image of his own fashioning, that it might serve as a sign of the love of man that dieth not, and a symbol of the sorrow of man that endureth for ever. And in the whole world there was no other bronze save the bronze of this image.

And he took the image he had fashioned, and set it in a great furnace, and gave it to the fire.

And out of the bronze of the image of
The Sorrow that Endureth For Ever he fashioned an image of The Pleasure that Abideth for a Moment."
O.W., 1881.

divendres, 3 d’agost del 2007

Més fusta!

"Rice promete más armas a los aliados árabes a cambio de apoyo"
C.S., 31-VII-2007
"La gira de los altos funcionarios estadounidenses tiene lugar en momentos en que Washington ratificó que ofrecerá paquetes multimillonarios de ayuda militar a Egipto e Israel. (...) A la vez, Washington dio a conocer que discute nuevos acuerdos de armamento con Arabia Saudita, Bahrein, Kuwait, Omán, Qatar y Emiratos Árabes Unidos (EAU)."
B.B.C., 31-VII-2007